Zero School Violence Program

corazon calido

Social-Emotional Development and Zero School Violence

In order to be citizens of the world, communicate properly and learn to resolve conflicts, students need to grow up in a school environment free of violence. This ensures that they reach their full potential and can structure a life project where they achieve their goals and find happiness.

At Buckingham School we seek to support the integral growth of our students, not only academically but also in social-emotional skills. We teach them to be self-aware, to manage their emotions and to relate with others in a healthy way. In addition, we encourage the understanding of differences and the development of skills to resolve conflicts, lead and make responsible decisions. We want them to achieve their goals by aligning their purpose with their strengths and limitations.

This development of social-emotional competencies is supported by the creation of a violence-free school environment.

Desarrollo Socioemocional y Cero violencia escolar

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