Get to know CBK

buckingham school

Our Values


In this time and space, we have a mission and a responsibility to provide educational experiences that transcend our students´education into the future: We are aware that we are living through a period of profound digital disruption. In such a technologized and globalized world we are called to be part of the digitization era.Moreover we contribute to the construction of peaceful classrooms, and emotional well-being of every student leaving our positive and indelible mark to gain in student achievement now and in the future.


We are open to new approaches to enhance innovation. We are creative and adaptable, and we cultivate creative minds with a spirit of innovation, seeking to drive new ideas and disruptive solutions to foster positive change. We inspire exploration and transformation with innovative teaching strategies.


We always give our best, putting a 100% effort to perform all tasks as well as possible. We strive to do things right from the beginning in order to be successful. We are a responsible and autonomous community; each action reflects our unwavering commitment to Quality.


The constant passion for improvement is our primary driving force at Buckingham School. We aim to achieve our maximum potential in everything we pledge to do, in an environment of excellence where we exceed expectations and achieve outstanding performance in our students and staff to each endeavor that is carried out. A place where we not only transform our potential into greatness but also excel in all academic disciplines.


We are a family where affection, respect, and the celebration of our differences are the essence of everyday life. Everyone is responsible for a harmonious coexistence, motivated by a win-win attitude. Education that transcends beyond the classrooms and into the real world for a lifelong love of learning.

Fundamental Pillars

These are the foundations upon which we construct our educational journey and from which we make all curriculum decisions. We recognize their indispensability in preparing our students for the future challenges they will face. 

Explorers of an Interconnected World

We empower our students to confront the complexities of an interconnected world, developing skills that enable them to address the challenges of globalization. This involves fostering communication, understanding, relationships, and collaboration to build a better world for all of us. 


Our History

Buckingham School was founded by Martha Rincón. We started with 28 students in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Transition, and First Grade in the San José de Bavaria neighborhood.
Due to our ongoing expansion, we began activities at the current campus.
Se construyeron los edificios de: bachillerato, sede administrativa, el centro de recursos, la biblioteca y el coliseo. Se gradúa la primera promoción en 1994.
Buildings for high school, administrative headquarters, the resource center, library, and the coliseum were constructed. We graduate the first class in 1994.
We became the first school in Bogotá to obtain ISO 9001:2015 Quality Certification from ICONTEC.
david miller
We obtained authorization to offer the International Baccalaureate DP Program, introduced our house system, and started the David Miller Cup.
orden de la democracia
The Congress of the Republic awarded us the Order of Democracy Simón Bolívar in the Commander's Degree, and the Ministry of Education granted us the Mention of Honor for Educational Quality.
We obtained authorization to offer the PYP and MYP Programs, completing the International Baccalaureate continuum.
Buckingham became the first school in Colombia and Latin America to be certified as a Lighthouse School in the Leader in Me model.
John Wells, Doctor in Education from the University of Bath, assumed the school's rectorship, with extensive experience in teaching and leadership in various schools nationally and internationally, as well as with CIS and IB.
We obtained the membership in the Council of International Schools (CIS) by demonstrating alignment with its code of ethics.
We received membership in the Latin American Heads Conference (LAHC), making us part of a select group of international schools that share experiences to improve school management and promote mutual growth.
We became the first school in Colombia to implement the HEI Toolkit program from the University of Helsinki, Finland, one of the world's best education systems, in our preschool.

Our Campus

We are a country school located in the northern part of Bogotá, spanning an area of 48,000 m2 and boasting excellent facilities, distinguished by expansive green areas and optimal resources that foster holistic development.

At Buckingham School, we offer various sports and academic facilities, including tennis and basketball courts, volleyball and football fields, a sports arena, specialized classrooms, a library, technology labs, and other learning environments. These contribute as an optimal added value to ensure excellence in the comprehensive education of our students.

School Governance

In our School Governance, we provide space for the democratic participation of everyone in the educational community. This team is comprised of: 


Guides and supervises all educational activities in alignment with the guidelines of the Ministry of National Education, other educational authorities and the IB.

Senior Leadership
Team (SLT) 

Provides direction and leadership in institutional planning and evaluation, fostering the smooth operation of the school.

Academic council

Organizes the curriculum and guides its implementation. Additionally, it evaluates and promotes its continuous improvement.

Training council

Ensures institutional harmony based on compliance with the rules established in the Code of Conduct.

Student representative

A student from the last grade who promotes the exercise of the duties and rights of students protected in the Political Constitution, laws, regulations, and the Code of Conduct.

Student council

Composed of a delegate from grades 3 to 11.

School coexistence committee

Guarantees that the comprehensive care route for school coexistence is appropriate, leading actions that promote harmony and the construction of citizenship.

Consejo de 

Vela por la sana convivencia institucional a partir del cumplimiento de las normas establecidas en el Manual de Convivencia.