Since 2005, we have participated in Model United Nations organized by different schools of great trajectory and academic level. They involve the practice of different discussion and negotiation techniques in the various bodies of the UN system. 

This experience has allowed us to stand out internationally as our students have traveled to China (WEMUN), Harvard University and Yale University to represent us. 

During the year, our students from fourth to eleventh grade, attend Models outside the school and organize their own Model, BUCKMUN. 

What is the Buckingham School United Nations Project About? 

BUCKMUN focuses on developing the knowledge, skills, abilities, aptitudes, and attitudes required to develop leaders who advance the peaceful resolution of conflict and the creation of policies for the common good. We prioritize research, teamwork and diplomatic communication to achieve this goal. 

In these simulations, we recreate the five main UN bodies, including the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council and the International Court of Justice, some of the six special committees, and certain UN programs.

The college decides which actors participate and assigns countries to each institution. Delegates, representing countries, immerse themselves in debates and lead solutions on issues such as peace, security, human rights and development. 


¿De qué se trata el Proyecto de las 
Naciones Unidas de Buckingham School? 

History of Model United Nations

Model United Nations (MUN) leadership and debate became very popular since 2000. However, such academic exercises have been conducted since the 1920s. Harvard University developed this activity to conduct a critical study of the League of Nations. Later, in 1945, when the United Nations was created, Harvard University also officially created the Model United Nations. Since then it has been synonymous with new educational strategies, significantly transforming the ways of approaching social studies.  

In Colombia, the Model UN was first applied in 1982 by the Colegio Nueva Granada. However, only during the last decade has a significant increase in participants been evident. 


The Origin of BUCKMUN

We began participating in these models in 2005 by attending Colegio San Carlos. Carolina Rincón, a former student, was the observer who attended this conference and based on her experience, was convinced of the importance of establishing the model in the school.

Later, during 2006, the group grew to five members: Carolina Rincón, Ana Beliza Mercado, Catalina González, Esteban Góngora and Nicolás Forero Villarreal. During this time, Laura Gamboa, a seventh grade history teacher, was in charge of coordinating the school’s MUN.

The following year everything changed when Enrique Pérez joined the school as the new head of the model, turning it into a strategy to promote leadership in a globalized world.